sober yoga girl
alexandra mcrobert
#SOBERREBELS 1-on-1: private coaching sessions
For those that are more interested in 1-on-1 attention that's private, accelerated, and all about you, I offer private coaching. In my group programs, I work with women only. In my private sessions, I work with all genders.
Maybe you're not yet alcohol-free and it's something you're considering. You want to work out all the options and decide. Maybe you're alcohol-free but you're struggling to stay the course. Maybe you need help integrating your new sober lifestyle or managing social interactions as a newly alcohol-free person.
The beauty of the sober sessions is that it's the most customized program, tailored to your needs. You decide how frequently we meet and determine your priorities each week.
Sessions with me are 45-minutes long and led on Zoom. I'm also available between sessions to be reached via email and text.
This is a little note for anyone thinking of becoming sober or taking a break from alcohol. Do it, it will allow you to gain some massive clarity in your life, even if it is just for a short while.
My sober experience started with the help of Alex McRobs. Little did I know how much my life would change from one message to her asking to become part of her life coaching program. I decided that I needed a break from alcohol for many different reasons, but mostly because when I was drinking I didn’t know when to stop and was beginning to make some bad life choices. Craving alcohol when sober was never a thing for me but once I had one then I needed as much as I could possibly consume. I lived by the motto ‘More. Again. Forever’. Then I started seeing Alex...
She offered a calm to the storm and everything began to change. I was nervous about the labels that come with seeking help and coaching, would I be treated as alcoholic? Would she be unimpressed with the decisions I made? What if it didn’t work? I was so insecure and just needed an arm to help me in the right direction without judgement, preconceptions or self-gain. Alex offered this and more!
For those that haven’t met Alex she is a loving, caring, non-judgemental person. She loves to see the good in people and promotes that part of them. We started off with a pre-coaching chat to get to know each other better and we found out we had a lot in common. This helped with the sober coaching because the problems I was having was her life nearly a year earlier, she was my success story and she was sitting right in front of me smiling and telling me it was all going to be ok. Together we came up with a plan that was specific to me and my needs. We agreed to have a check in chat and coaching every 2 weeks but she checked in on me every other day and always took the time to ask me how I was getting on. It felt she was there for me when I had my first craving, my first sober trip to a bar, there to pick me up after my first drink after my break and for all our coaching has ended she still is there for me to this day even with her busy schedule. She is more than just my life coach now, she is a close friend.
This is probably the most important part... Why choose to talk to Alex for help? Each person works differently and Alex lives and breathes that mentality. She is there for you and wants to help you. You are not a number or client, you are someone who she will treat as a friend and will do anything to help you. She catered her full program to help me and she has done this to help so many other people in different scenarios. Please just ask her for a chat to see if it’s for you and I promise you wont be disappointed. Life is too short to suffer in silence or to not seek a bit of help/coaching when it might change your life for the better.
I will never be able to find the words to show how thankful I am to Alex and the work she has done. I just hope that if you are considering life coaching with her that you give it a shot. You won’t regret it.